The Truman Show
Synopsis: The film is about a quiet insurance salesman who leads a simple life with his wife Meryl Burbank (Laura Linney). But some things around him make him wonder about his city, his supposed friends and even his wife. After meeting the mysterious Lauren (Natascha McElhone), he is intrigued and ends up discovering that his whole life has been monitored by cameras and broadcast on national television.
Director: Peter Weir
Cast: Jim Carrey, Laura Linney, Noah Emmerich, Natascha McElhone.
Duration: 1h43min
Judy: Muito Além do Arco-Íris
Renée Zellweger ganhou o Oscar de melhor atriz por Judy: Muito Além do Arco-Íris;
The film is about thirty years after she shot to stardom, showbiz legend arrives in London to perform a five-week sold-out run of shows. As she prepares her act, fights with management, charms musicians and reminisces with friends and fans, her wit and warmth shine through.
O filme é cerca de trinta anos depois de ela chegar ao estrelato, a lenda do showbiz chega a Londres para realizar uma série de shows esgotados de cinco semanas. Enquanto ela se prepara, briga com o empresário, encanta músicos e relembra com amigos e fãs, sua inteligência e calor transparecem.