• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: lucasgabriel2565uh
  • Perguntado 4 anos atrás

O tempo CONTINUOUS pode adentrar tanto o passado, o presente

quanto o futuro, seja simples ou perfeito, e sua marca é o uso do

sufixo “ING”. Acompanhando o CONTINUOUS, sempre haverá o

verbo TO BE, que precisa ser conjugado corretamente.

Nesses exercícios a seguir, você deverá prestar atenção na

conjugação do verbo TO BE, além de apresentar a forma correta

com a aplicação do ING. O past continuous sempre será precedido

do verbo TO BE nas formas WAS ou WERE.

Observe a tabela abaixo!


1. Preencha as lacunas com o Past Continuous dos verbos em parênteses:

a) She _______ (watch) TV when he called.

b) When the phone rang, they _______ (write) a letter.

c) He ______ (study) while she _______ (make) dinner.

d) ______ (you/speak) English?

e) He _______ (play/not) football.


2. Qual das frases abaixo está no Past Continuous?

a) I was not at home when she arrived.

b) My father was worried about your job.

c) Melissa and Juan are happy.

d) We have been being lovers.

e) I was being evil with my mom.


3 - Complete as frases abaixo com o Past Continuous:

a) Tom ________ (to get) ready when Gina _______ (to arrive).

b) When I _______ (to get) home last night my mother ___________ (to prepare) dinner.

c) We ____________ (to watch) a movie when the doorbell _______ (to ring).

d) He ___________ (to walk) the dog when he _______ (to meet) his sister.

e) They ________ (to leave) the concert while the singer ______ still _______ (to sing).

4 - Segundo o estudo sobre “Past continuous”, qual das alternativas a seguir está nesse

tempo verbal da língua inglesa?

a) She was think his all day long.

b) I'm studying for maths this morning.

c) Maysa was playing video game when I left.

d) We all were very confuse with this mess.

e) My mother was cook some bread.


5 - Qual das alternativas apresenta a estrutura correta do “Past continuous”?

a) verb to be (presente) + main verb + ing

b) verb to be (past) + to + main verb

c) verb to be (past) + main verb + ing

d) verb to be (present) + to + ing

e) verb to be (past) + ing


6) Complete as alternativas abaixo passando o verbo em parênteses para o “Past


a) I _________________a very pleasant book last night. (to read)

b) He _________________ TV when his mother arrived. (to watch)

c) My father and my little brother ______________________ soccer yesterday. (to play)

d) My mother ___________________lunch with her friends last week. (to have)

e) They _____________________hard in their College project. (to work)

7 - Complete as interrogações abaixo usando o “Past Continuous”:

a) _______Rachel _____________ a new book? (read)

b)________they___________together yesterday? (work)

c)________he___________ to music? (listen)

d)________you _________street dance? (do)

e)________she __________her sister with her homework? (help)​


respondido por: jhonatanmarins2000


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