• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: camilesilva1516
  • Perguntado 4 anos atrás

Escolha a opção correta usando Might ou May:

a) _____________I have a drink?

b) You ____________________ smoke in the elevator.

c) He _________________ have arrived late yesterday.

d) I was afraid that I ____________be late.

2. Complete os espaços com os verbos modais may ou might de acordo com a tradução da frase:

a) It _____________rain tomorrow.(Deve chover amanhã.)

b) She _______________go downtowns alone.( Ele pode ir ao Centro sozinho.)

c) He ______________calll me later. (Ele deve me ligar mais tarde.)

d) Students________________not speak during the exam (Os alunos não podem falar durante o


3. Complete as frases com May ou Might:

a) Can I play now, mum? No. You ______________finish your work.

b) You __________________shout in class.

c) She asked if she _________________have a drink.

d) I Love you, dad. You __________ be the best father in the world.

4. Relacione as frases:

a) This book is easy.

b) The elevator wasn’t working.

c) My sister tolde me a secret.

d) The bank is closed today.

( ) I must go back tomorrow.

( ) I mustn’t tell anyone about it.

( ) John can read it quickly.

( ) She had to use the stairs.

5. Ooganize as frases abaixo para formar frases:

a) Well /and I/ swim/my sister/ can’t

b) Get up/ doesn’t have to early/ He​


respondido por: juliacore



a) May

b) May

c) Might

d) Might


a) Might

b) May

c) Might

d) May


a) May

b) May

c) Might

d) May







a) My sister and I can't swim well

b) He doesn’t have to early get up

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