• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: SesiJP
  • Perguntado 4 anos atrás

Read an article about digital citizenship and choose the best answer for each of these questions according to the text.


All children should be given “digital citizenship” classes as young teens now spend three hours a day online, says Children’s Commissioner, Anne Longfield. The recommendation comes as Ms. Longfield releases a major new study into young people’s use of the Internet today.

Children are being left to fend for themselves against dangers such as bullying and worse: ill-intentioned adults who seek to attract them. The report found that kids are also unaware that the vast amount of data that they post on social media is not owned by them and could even be put up for sale. According to Ms. Longfield “the Internet is an incredible force for good but it is wholly irresponsible to let them go around freely in a world for which they are not prepared, which is subject to limited regulation and which is controlled by a small number of powerful organizations.” She then goes on to point out that it is “critical that children are educated better so that they can enjoy the opportunities provided by the Internet while minimizing the risks”.

The commissioner recommends every school must teach a digital program to all pupils from the age of four to 14. The study has also shown that even three to four-year-olds use the Internet an average of eight hours and 18 minutes a week. And 12 to 15-year-olds spend over 20 hours a week online.

As part of the study, the users of the website 900Mumsnet were asked about their worries with children using the Internet. It found that 73% of parents were concerned about their children accessing inappropriate material online and 54% were afraid of unwanted contact by strangers.

Adapted from thesun.co.uk

1. What is the main issue pointed out by the article? *
( ) Schools must teach children how to browse the web.
( ) Children should not use the Internet.
( ) Children should be better prepared to use the Internet.
( ) The Internet can be dangerous.

2. What has not been revealed by the study? *
( ) Children spend a lot of time online.
( ) Parents are worried about what their kids see online.
( ) It is irresponsible to let kids browse the Internet without supervision.
( ) Children don’t fully understand what happens to content on social networks.

3. Which of these was done as part of the study? *
( ) A survey with a group of mothers from an online community.
( ) A questionnaire with children and their parents.
( ) A conversation with parents about the dangers of unwanted contact.
( ) A study on parents’ opinion about what children should have access to.

4. What does Ms. Longfield say in the third paragraph? *
( ) The Internet is no place for children.
( ) We must make the Internet a risk-free environment for our kids.
( ) Even powerful organizations cannot control the Internet.
( ) It is important to help and educate children so they can enjoy the Internet.

5. Which of the following would best replace “fend for” in paragraph 2? *
( ) Defend.
( ) Browse.
( ) Fight.
( ) Capitalize.


respondido por: Luizfelipeandra

1) O texto trata sobre os riscos da internet para as crianças e defende que é necessário que elas tenham mais treinamento sobre como navegar de forma segura. Portanto a resposta correta é a terceira alternativa.

( x ) Children should be better prepared to use the Internet.

2) O estudo revela que as crianças gastam bastante tempo online, demostra o quão irresponsável pode ser deixar elas navegarem livremente pela rede e realiza uma pesquisa com os pais sobre suas preocupações com os filhos na internet. Entranto, a única informação que não é revelada no texto é que as crianças não entendem completamente o que ocorre com os conteúdos na web.

( x ) Children don’t fully understand what happens to content on social networks.

3) O trecho que diz: "As part of the study, the users of the website 900Mumsnet were asked...", demonstra que houve sim uma pesquisa com mães (visto que o site se chama 900mumsnet) dessas crianças.

4) Ela defende que as crianças sejam treinadas para saber navegar com mais segurança na internet, minimizar os riscos e aproveitar da melhor forma os conteúdos da web.

( x ) It is important to help and educate children so they can enjoy the Internet.

5) "Fend for" pode ser substituído por "defend" já que na frase "Children are being left to fend for themselves", ela é usado com esse contexto de que as crianças precisam se proteger.

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