• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: Paolinha09
  • Perguntado 4 anos atrás

Heaven and Hell
An old man was dreaming about Heaven and Hell. In his dream the old man was following Peter the fisherman through the galaxies of the night sky. They stopped before a big house and old man asked Peter, “Where is Heaven? Whose house is this?”
“The Kingdom of God is made of many mansions,” Peter answered. “There are many mansions in Hell too. I will show you the first room of Satan’s palace. Don’t stay outside. Walk in.”
The old man walked in and immediately heard loud cries. Many people were sitting at a large table. In the center there was a big pot of soup. Everyone in Hell had spoon and was able to reach the pot, but they were starving. The spoon handles that were attached to their hands were very long, too long for their arms. They were able to reach the soup, but they couldn’t bring it to their lips. The cries of the starving people were so loud that the old man couldn’t stand them. “Please take me away,” he begged Peter.
Then they went to another mansion in a distant place and Peter asked the old man, “Do you know where we are?” And he added, “We are in Paradise now”. They walked in and saw a similar large table surrounded by many people. In the center there was a similar pot of soup. The spoon handles were too long for human arms, but there were no cries of despair. No one was starving.
All the people were feeding each other.
(adapted from Face to Face With Heaven and Hell, Jim Bishop)

1- Qual é a ideia principal do texto?

Esta pergunta é obrigatória
2- Segundo a história, Céu e Inferno são diferentes? Que aspectos “makes all the difference”
3-Você concorda com a visão de Céu e Inferno apresentada no texto? De que outra forma você ver a questão? *
4- Podemos encontrar formas de “Heaven and Hell” aqui mesmo, na vida terrena? Quais?
5- Enumere as frases abaixo de 1 a 5, identificando as principais ações que acontecem em cada um dos cinco parágrafos do texto.( ) Helping one another( ) Entering Satan’s palace( ) Having spiritual dream( ) Visiting one of God’s mansions.( ) Starving near a pot of liquid food.


respondido por: Luizfelipeandra

1) O texto conta uma narrativa sobre dois personagens e suas experiências com o deslumbre do Paraíso e do Inferno.

2) Segundo a história, vemos que o inferno é retratado como um lugar onde há muita dor, choro e sofrimento. Nele as pessoas não conseguem se alimentar e sofrem de fome por isso. Enquanto que o paraíso é representado como um lugar muito mais calmo, de felicidade e de paz. Nele as pessoas conseguem se alimentar e vivem mais felizes.

3) A visão do céu e do Inferno é uma questão pessoal, pois cada um apresenta sua crença e enxerga da maneira que mais julga correta. No cristianismo, as representações do céu e inferno são exatamente as que o texto nos mostra.

4) Sim. Através da desigualdade social, podemos ver cenários de pessoas morrendo de fome e passando por diversos sofrimentos, enquanto que em determinados locais existem pessoais com comida mais que o suficiente e um acúmulo de renda altíssimo.

5) ( 5 ) Helping one another

( 2 ) Entering Satan’s palace

( 1 ) Having spiritual dream

( 4 ) Visiting one of God’s mansions.

( 3 ) Starving near a pot of liquid food.

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