Letters: Texting and teens -- an easy target
September 06, 2013
Re "Teen driver texting bill is passed," Sept. 4
Distractions from using a voice-operated device endanger not only the driver but other motorists as well as pedestrians," says state Sen. Cathleen Galgiani (D-Stockton), the author of a bill banning the use of hand-free texting devices by drivers under 18 years old.
Why restrict only these drivers? They may be the newest and least experienced motorists, but I suspect most do not stop for a beer or commute in heavy traffic every day.
Why target them? Because they don't vote?
Why did the bill not protect motorists and pedestrians endangered by drivers 18 and older, a much larger group? Oh, that's right, that bill stalled in committee.
Errol Miller
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Em que parágrafo o autor expressa ser contra a multa para motoristas que não bebem ou dirigem no trânsito diariamente?
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respondido por:
Errol Miller
espero ter ajudado
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