• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: AlanWake14
  • Perguntado 4 anos atrás

What is the difference between rich and millionaire do you know how to answer?
answering in English would be better? tmj ​

AlanWake14: bigado
AlanWake14: cataline vou sai ta
Anônimo: ta bom alan
Anônimo: Flw
Anônimo: foi bom ver vc
Anônimo: dnada
AlanWake14: fui
mica635green5: Oie
Anônimo: oi bom dia Alan
Anônimo: oie miga


respondido por: Bia78903


A rich person has a monthly income of more then 100 thousend  Reais. The Millionaire has a monthly income of "X" Reais and 1 milion of Reais in the bank (or more) and does not need to use that money.

AlanWake14: obrigado pela resposta deslumbrantemente correta
respondido por: mica635green5


millionaire Someone or individual who has a million or more than a million. Someone open-minded and ready to be free.


rich Who possesses in great quantity, abundance, plenty, good, pleasant. Often used to refer to a person who has a lot of money.

Anônimo: Ah.esse alan,em klk
mica635green5: Oie
Anônimo: Oi
mica635green5: Oie
Anônimo: Td bom?
mica635green5: sim
Anônimo: Q bom
mica635green5: sim
Anônimo: lgl
mica635green5: ..
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