• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: gilecarjusin01
  • Perguntado 4 anos atrás

01- Supply the Comparative of Inferiority.

a) My sister _______________________________________ me. (intelligent)

b) Billy thinks algebra _____________________________Portuguese.(difficult) 

c) A table is usually ________________________________ a chair.(heavy)

d) Today is ______________________________________ yesterday.(cold)

e) My car is ______________________________________ yours.(fast)

02- Supply the Comparative of Inequality.

a)  This exercise is _________________________________ the previous one.(easy)

b) His jacket is ____________________________________ mine.(cheap)

c) My pie is _______________________________________yours.(good)

d) My friends are __________________________________ my brother.(handsome)

e) Yesterday was __________________________________ today.(hot)

03- Supply the Comparative of Equality of the adjectives in parentheses.

a) Peter is ________________________________________ his friend Bill.(smart)

b) Lucy is ________________________________________ Jane.(pretty)

c) Chocolate cake is ________________________________carrot cake. (good)

d) This car is ______________________________________ that one.(expensive)

e) My English class was _____________________________ your geometry class.(long)

04-Complete the sentences using the Comparative of Superiority of the adjectives in parentheses.

a) Some birds fly ___________________________________________ others.(high)

b) They say women _________________________________________ men.(generous)

c) My father is ____________________________________________ my uncle.(clever)

d) This milk shake is _______________________________________ that one.(bad)

e) Kevin thinks Portuguese is _________________________________ English.(important)

f) Antony is _______________________________________________ my cousin Joe.(smart)

g) Don’t you think my new car is ______________________________ the old one?(good)

h) Spring water is __________________________________________ tap water.(pure)

    i) I am ___________________________________________________ my brother.(fat)

    j) This book is _____________________________________________ that one.(interesting)


    05- Choose and write the correct alternative.

    a) ___________ your occupation? I’m a dentist .

    (     ) How        (     ) What        (     ) Who

    b) ___________are you here? Because I’m studying Spanish.

    (     ) Where        (     ) When        (     ) Why

    c) ___________ is that beautiful girl? She’s my cousin Helen.

    (     ) Who        (     ) Why        (     ) What

    d) ___________ is your mother? She’s fine, thanks.

    (     ) When        (     ) How        (     ) Where

    e) ___________are you going to travel to London? Tomorrow afternoon.

    (     ) Where        (     ) When        (     ) How 

    f) ____________ were you yesterday at night? I was at home.

    (     ) What        (     ) Where        (     ) How

    g) ____________ Michael is laughing? Because his brother is telling a joke.

    (     ) Who        (     ) Where        (     ) Why

    h)  ____________ do you go to the movies? I go there once a month.

    (     ) When        (     ) Why        (     ) Who

    i) _____________ is outside waiting for you? My friend Karen.

    (     ) How        (     ) Who        (     ) Where

    j) _____________ time is it now? It’s ten o’clock.

    (     ) Where        (     ) Why        (     ) What​


respondido por: bellamacedo96

olha na apostila nas ultimas paginas tem a resolução.

gilecarjusin01: ninguém sabe?
respondido por: julhfreitag

Nossa tem muito


gilecarjusin01: achei não
julhfreitag: Nossa
julhfreitag: Eu queria terminar minha missão
julhfreitag: De 50 pontos
gilecarjusin01: o meu é prova mesmo
gilecarjusin01: que matéria é a sua?
julhfreitag: Que matéria de qualquer uma
julhfreitag: Estou quase terminando minha apostila
julhfreitag: Só falta quatro perguntas
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