Leitura: Learning from your regrets
“If only I had known then what I know now.” How often I hear that phrase replayed by those who dwell on missed opportunities and regrets.
Jane regrets dropping out of college to get married. [...]
Rick regrets taking the easy way out. “I entered my dad’s business right after college. Financially, I’ve got no complaints. But I have a hard time shaking off the feeling that I would have become someone special if only I had
had the courage to go out on my own back then.”
Regrets like these can become a constant reminder of “what could have been”. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Regrets can also enlighten and be an incentive for new opportunity. Here’s how that might happen:
▪ Conquer your negative emotions. People often imagine that they would have done things differently if they had known better. Yet, the decisive factor in their decision-making is often an emotional one, not a lack of information. [...]
▪ Use your regrets to motivate yourself to take a different action. Rick can motivate himself to do something different now, instead of simply regretting his long ago decision. [...]
▪ Anticipate future regrets before you make major decisions. If Jane does decide to return to college, it would be helpful for her to anticipate what might make her regret this decision too.[...]
▪ Use regrets to learn more about what’s important to you. Rick imagines that he might have become a musician if he hadn’t gone into his dad’s business. But he conveniently ignores how music might play a role in his life now.[...]
Many people regret decisions they’ve made or opportunities they’ve lost. But only a few make those “woulda, coulda, shouldas” work for them. You can be one of those people! It’s never too late to use your regrets as a catalyst for revamping your life.
1. Qual o objetivo principal do texto "Learning from your regrets"?
2. Quais são as dicas apresentadas pelo autor do texto em relação ao aprendizado por meio dos arrependimentos?
3. Reescreva as frases completando os espaços com os verbos entre parênteses. Siga a estrutura da condicional do tipo 3:
Exemplo: If she ______________ (graduate) from college, she __________________ (pursue) a career. R= If she had graduated from college, she would have pursued a career.
a) If Jane __________________ (marry), she _____________________ (finish) college.
b) If Rick had not ______________ (take) the easy way out, he ___________________ (become) a musician.
c) If Rick ___________________ (have) the courage to go out on his own, he would not ______________ (enter) in his dad’s business right after college.
4. Escreva com suas próprias palavras qual a função da oração condicional do tipo 3:
5. Crie uma frase para exemplificar o uso de wish ou o uso de if only:
⇒⇒ Third Conditional
⇒⇒ ''If only'' and ''wish''
Learning from your regrets
“If only I had known then what I know now.” How often I hear that phrase replayed by those who dwell on missed opportunities and regrets.
Jane regrets dropping out of college to get married. [...]
Rick regrets taking the easy way out. “I entered my dad’s business right after college. Financially, I’ve got no complaints. But I have a hard time shaking off the feeling that I would have become someone special if only I had had the courage to go out on my own back then.”
Regrets like these can become a constant reminder of “what could have been”. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Regrets can also enlighten and be an incentive for new opportunity. Here’s how that might happen:
▪ Conquer your negative emotions. People often imagine that they would have done things differently if they had known better. Yet, the decisive factor in their decision-making is often an emotional one, not a lack of information. [...]
▪ Use your regrets to motivate yourself to take a different action. Rick can motivate himself to do something different now, instead of simply regretting his long ago decision. [...]
▪ Anticipate future regrets before you make major decisions. If Jane does decide to return to college, it would be helpful for her to anticipate what might make her regret this decision too.[...]
▪ Use regrets to learn more about what’s important to you. Rick imagines that he might have become a musician if he hadn’t gone into his dad’s business. But he conveniently ignores how music might play a role in his life now.[...]
Many people regret decisions they’ve made or opportunities they’ve lost. But only a few make those “woulda, coulda, shouldas” work for them. You can be one of those people! It’s never too late to use your regrets as a catalyst for revamping your life.
1. Qual o objetivo principal do texto "Learning from your regrets"?
It’s never too late to use your regrets as a catalyst for revamping your life
2. Quais são as dicas apresentadas pelo autor do texto em relação ao aprendizado por meio dos arrependimentos?
▪ Conquer your negative emotions.
▪ Use your regrets to motivate yourself to take a different action.
▪ Anticipate future regrets before you make major decisions.
▪ Use regrets to learn more about what’s important to you.
3. Reescreva as frases completando os espaços com os verbos entre parênteses. Siga a estrutura da condicional do tipo 3:
a) If Jane had married, she wouldn't have finished college.
b) If Rick had not taken the easy way out, he would have become a musician.
c) If Rick had had the courage to go out on his own, he would not have entered in his dad’s business right after college.
4. Escreva com suas próprias palavras qual a função da oração condicional do tipo 3:
Third Conditional - Terceira Condicional >> para falar sobre uma situação que não aconteceu, mas que dá para imaginar como seria se tivesse acontecido.
Em português: Se você tivesse chegado mais cedo (situação que não aconteceu) , você teria jantado conosco. (como seria se tivesse acontecido)
Em inglês: If you had arrived earlier you would have had dinner with us.
5. Crie uma frase para exemplificar o uso de wish ou o uso de if only:
If only my mother was still living around.
Quem dera minha mãe ainda estivesse morando perto.
I wish I could drive a car.
Quem dera eu pudesse dirigir.
→→ If only >> expressão usada para dizer que gostaríamos que os fatos ou acontecimentos fossem diferentes do que são. Pode ser um arrependimento ou um simples desejo.
• Para expressar arrependimento ou desejo em relação ao presente, o verbo após ''if only'' deverá estar no passado.
If only she knew the truth.
Se ela soubesse a verdade.
If only you weren't so tired.
Se você não estivesse tão cansado.
• Para expressar um arrependimento de algo que aconteceu no passado e que você gostaria que tivesse sido diferente, após ''if only'' deverá ser usado o ''past perfect''
If only we had had time enough to finish the job.
Quem dera a gente tivesse tido tempo de terminar o trabalho.
⇒⇒ Wish >>> para expressar um desejo quase impossível ou para se lamentar por algo:
I wish I lived in a small city.
I wish I hadn't said those words to Paty.
→→ Third Conditional / Terceira Condicional >> para falar sobre uma situação que não aconteceu, mas que dá para imaginar como seria se tivesse acontecido.
Em português: Se você tivesse chegado mais cedo (situação que não aconteceu) , você teria jantado conosco. (como seria se tivesse acontecido)
If + sujeito + past perfect + would have + particípio
If the weather had been good I would have gone to the beach
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