Crie uma cronica em ingles utilizando 10 verbos diferentes no presente simples e sublinhe-os escrever a tradução. URGENTE!!!!!
Nao sei se é mais Se for Me Fala se é
To allow permitir, autorizar allowed allowed
Smoking is not allowed here. (Não é permitido fumar aqui.)
To add adicionar added added
She added him on Facebook. (Ela o adicionou no Facebook.)
To appear aparecer appeared appeared
They appeared on TV. (Eles apareceram na TV.)
To ask 1. perguntar; 2. pedir asked asked 1. He asked my name. (Ele perguntou meu nome.) 2. She asked him to close the door. (Ela pediu para ele fechar a porta.)
To be 1. ser; 2. estar was; were been 1. I was really tired. (Eu estava muito cansado.) 2. They were my teachers. (Eles eram meus professores.)
To become tornar-se became become
We became friends. (Nos tornamos amigos.)
To begin começar began begun
The film had begun when we arrived. (O filme tinha começado quando chegamos.)
To believe acreditar believed believed
I believe our team will win. (Eu acredito que nosso time vá ganhar.)
To bring trazer brought brought
I brought my sister to the party. (Eu trouxe minha irmã para a festa.)
To build construir built built A new building was built in front of the park. (Foi construído um novo prédio em frente ao parque.)