7 – Rank the five suggestions given by the author according to what you consider more or less effective.
Give reasons for your opinions.
1st - spend more time with close friends and family - para passar um tempo de qualidade longe do celular
2nd - stop procrastinating - para não acumular suas tarefas diárias
3rd - track your time online - para não deixar de fazer coisas importantes do dia a dia
4th - limit your memberships - para não perder tempo com bobagens
5th - use your network productively - para se tornar uma pessoa criativa
07- ➤ Suggestions:
1. Prioritize
2. Spend more time with close friends and family
3. Use your network productively
4. Stop procrastinating
5. Track your timeline
➤ Reasons:
1. If you want something, you really need to prioritize that on your life.
2. Family and friends matter much than the socials.
3. Using network productively is a good way to start been productive in life.
4. You need to prioritize your time on network.
5. When you track your timeline, you start being more productive and good on everything you do
Bons estudos ^^ deixe seu coração