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In Canada, two birds build a nest. They build it on top of a very tall tower. It is 30 metres tall! The tower has power cables all over it. A bear sees the nest. It wants to look in it. The bear climbs the tower! This is dangerous.
The birds peck at the bear. The bear does not stop until it gets to the top.
A woman films the bear. It comes back down. It calmly walks away.
In Canada, two birds built a nest. They built it on top of a very tall tower. It was 30 metres tall! The tower has power cables all over it. A bear saw the nest. It wanted to look in it. The bear climbed the tower! This was dangerous.
The birds peck at the bear. The bear did'nt stoped until it gets to the top.
A woman filmed the bear. It comes back down. It calmly walked away.
In Canada, two birds build a nest. They build it on top of a very tall tower. It was 30 metres tall! The tower had power cables all over it. A bear sees the nest. It wanted to look in it. The bear climbed the tower! This was dangerous.
The birds pecked at the bear. The bear didn't stoped until it get to the top.
A woman filmed the bear. It came back down. It calmly walked away.