Choose the correct alternative based on the position
of the adverbs:
a)James played brilliantly in the match on
b)She usually drives carefully after a long day at
work home.
c)She plays really well the piano.
D)They don’t either speak well English.
E)Every day unconsciously home she does her
Letra A
A letra A é a única alternativa com a gramatica correta.
Como seria a forma correta das frases:
a) Esta certa.
b) She usually drives home carefully after a long day at work.
c) She plays the piano really well.
d) Either of them don´t speak English well.
e) Every day she does her tasks unconsciously.
⇒⇒ Adverbs
Choose the correct alternative based on the position of the adverbs:
a) James played brilliantly in the match on Saturday.✅
b) She usually drives carefully after a long day at work home.❌
c) She plays really well the piano.❌
d) They don’t either speak well English. ❌
e) Every day unconsciously home she does her tasks.❌
Alternativa correta letra ''a''
O exercício pede para apontar a alternativa que está CORRETA, com relação à posição do advérbio na frase.
b) She usually drives home carefully after a long day at work.
c) She plays the piano really well .
d) They don’t either speak English well.
e) Every day she does her home tasks unconsciously.
➡️ Adverb >> advérbio >> Usado principalmente para indicar tempo, maneira, lugar, grau e frequência de um evento, ação ou processo.
São palavras invariáveis que intensificam ou modificam um adjetivo, verbo ou outro advérbio. Para formar advérbios em inglês usamos o sufixo ''LY'' que equivale ao ''mente'' em português.
final >> finally ⇔ finalmente
sad >> sadly ⇔ tristemente
happy >> happily ⇔ alegremente
definite >> definitely ⇔ definitivamente
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