Alguém pode por favor me ajudar com essa questão de inglês?
Leia o texto abaixo para responder
às questões 1 e 2.
Teens and Tech: How Digital Communication
Impacts Young People And Their Relationships
It's a familiar scene: parents or grandparents
turning to their younger family members for help
learning the latest technology or social media.
And teens are well equipped for the job: Young
people say they feel the pressure to be "always
on" and connected more than ever. But digital
communication can facilitate as well as
complicate teen relationships, including those
with older people.
1) Retire do texto um Comparative of 1 ponto
A sua resposta
2) Retire do texto um Superlative.*
1 ponto
respondido por:
1) "Young people say they feel the pressure to be 'always on' and conncted more than ever."
2) "Parents or grandparents turning to their younger Family members for help learning the latest technology or social media."
Espero ter ajudado :)
Muito obrigada
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