Leia a letra da música a seguir e responda o exercício. What is Love (Miriam Makeba)
“In this world where people are restless
Wondering where to turn
Looking for the answer
To a question they once learned
And they light their candle
But both ends do they burn
Asking love, what is love
When will they learn
Loving is love
Love, what is love
For people who know
The answer is always love”
1. Retire do texto uma oração em que o verbo esteja no futuro.
Verb to be - there to be - greetings
⇒⇒ Verb to be
Love is still The answer >>> ''is''
The question is why >>> ''is"
why are we here? >> ''are''
what is it for? >> ''is''
we're not perfect yet >> 're >> are
Is why should we pick >> ''is''
whatever you are after >> ''are''
is what did I give >> ''is''
⇒⇒ There to be
There's only one answer >> there's >> there is
⇒⇒ Greetings words >> palavras de saudação
⇒⇒ Verb to be - ser /estar
I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are
Interrogativo Afirmativo Negativo
Am I ? Yes, I am No, I am not.
Are you...? Yes, you are No, I'm not.
Is he...? Yes, he is No, he is not.
Is she ... ? Yes, she is No, she isn't.
Is it ...? Yes, it is. No, it´s not.
Are we ...? Yes, we are. No, we aren't.
Are they...? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.
There to be - haver / existir
⇒⇒ There is - singular >>> There's
There is a girl here. - Há uma garota aqui.
There is a man talking on the phone. Há um homem falando ao telefone.
⇒⇒ There are - plural
There are five girls here - Há cinco garotas aqui.
There are some boys playing soccer. Há alguns meninos jogando futebol.
Estrutura do there is / there are
There is a / There are + substantivo/adjetivo + complemento
Espero Ter ajudado! de um Coração se puder!
O tempo do futuro na língua inglesa tem duas formas: o futuro com o verbo auxiliar "will" e com a expressão " "
Este tempo verbal será formado pela colocação do verbo auxiliar "" antes do verbo principal em sua forma natural.
Então a resposta é: "When they learn" ✅
Bons estudos!!!