2. Esse texto apresenta uma opinião no trecho: *
1 ponto
a. “Christopher Lasch, in his bestseller ‘The Culture of Narcissism’ considers individualism as an extremist and improper phenomena”.
b. “In Greek mythology, Narcissus was proud, in that he disdained those who loved him”.
c. “Narcissism is synonymous with “egoism” or “egocentrism.”
d. “The disorder is named for the mythological Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection”.
1- Letra A
2- Letra A
1-a. está presente na sociedade atual pelo individualismo radical.
2-a. “Christopher Lasch, in his bestseller ‘The Culture of Narcissism’ considers individualism as an extremist and improper phenomena”.
1) Está correto o que assinalou, pois a autora do texto defende a tese de que o Narcisismo está presente na sociedade atual pelo individualismo radical.
2)Está correto o que assinalou, pois o texto apresenta uma opinião no trecho “Christopher Lasch, in his bestseller The Culture of Narcissism considers individualism as an extremist and improper phenomena”, ou seja, “Christopher Lasch, em seu best-seller ‘A cultura do narcisismo’, considera o individualismo um fenômeno extremista e impróprio”.