≈≈ Forma Afirmativa:
- I am eating
- You are eating
- He is eating
- She is eating
- It is eating
- We are eating
- They are eating
≈≈ Forma Negativa:
- I am not eating
- You are not eating
- He is not eating
- She is not eating
- It is not eating
- We are not eating
- They are not eating
≈≈ Forma Interrogativa:
- Am I eating ?
- Are you eating ?
- Is he eating ?
- Is she eating ?
- Is it eating ?
- Are we eating ?
- Are they eating ?
⟩⟩ O Present Continuous é um dos tempos verbais da língua inglesa usado no dia a dia para falar de ações que estão em progresso, ou seja, acontecendo no momento da fala.
⟩⟩ A estrutura para formar sentenças nesse tempo verbal se faz com o verbo to be junto com outro verbo, o principal no gerúndio, que se forma acrescentando -ing.
› I am working.
› He is working.
› You are working.
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||Bons estudos//
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