• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: wesley11magalhaes
  • Perguntado 4 anos atrás

AVALIAÇÃO DO 2º BIMESTRE - LÍNGUA INGLESA – 3º ANO 1- Circule o verbo correto no passado simples em cada frase. (1,5)
a) Márcio (works – worked) as an office clerk in 2008.
b) He (studied – studies) English last year.
c) Márcio (talked – talks ) to his friend about his new job yesterday.
d) He (didn’t move – doesn’t move) from Uberlândia last year.
e) (Did Márcio call - Does Márcio call) you yesterday night?

2) (Enem/2010) (1,5) Parenting in the Digital Age: Two Problems with Technology Parents can easily become too involved in their kids' lives, or so many parents andexperts are saying in response to a new wave of digital monitoring of studentperformance, and social media engagement between parents and teachers. CNN asks,"Do schools share too much with parents?" Some parents love being able to see everyassignment their child is supposed to complete, what grades are being posted for everyelement of coursework, and what teachers are willing to share about classroomactivities, using Twitter or Facebook. Parents can be involved in the classroom in a waythey never have before. What's more, they don't have to ask their kids, "So, how wasschool today?" They already know. This, say some experts, increases the anxiety andoverall dread kids feel about their oppressive school experience: they have no control.They cannot spin the message. They know they will catch hell for a grade as soon asthey get home. Parents have too much control, are hovering too much. A era digital também traz desvantagens para os alunos. Uma delas, apontada no texto acima, está relacionada ao:

a) cerceamento à privacidade e autonomia dos jovens.
b) poder exagerado delegado à família.
c) espaço cada vez maior que a família ocupa na sociedade.
d) uso indiscriminado de novos aplicativos educacionais.
e) compartilhamento de informações com a comunidade escolar.

3-Passe para inglês as seguintes formas de tratamento. (1,0)

a) Caro Senhor Thompson: ...................................................................... b) Prezada Senhora Jackson: ......................................................................
c) Prezada Senhorita Johnson: ......................................................................
d) Caro Senhor: .......................................................................
e) Prezada Senhora: .......................................................................​


respondido por: aurorkkj


1) a) worked

b) studied

c) talked

d) didn't move

e) Does Marcio call

2) A.

3) a) Mr. Thompson.

b) Mrs. Jackson

c) Miss Johnson

d) Sir

e) Lady


Espero ter ajudado, perdão por qualquer erro.

wesley11magalhaes: muito obrigado
respondido por: yukkikkjkj


a) works

b) studied

c) talked

d) didn't move

e) did Márcio

resposta: d

Dear Mr. Thompston

Dear Lady Jackson

Dear Miss Jonhson

dear sir

Dear Ma'am

Espero ter te ajudado !!

Bons estudos ;)

wesley11magalhaes: obg
yukkikkjkj: dnd flor !! ^-^
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