• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: souzarcaua
  • Perguntado 3 anos atrás




respondido por: thu74
we are
rohit is
It is
she is
cats and dogs are
my brother is
we are
my brother and I are
Tom and jerry are
they are
he is

we aren't
rohit isn't
it isn't
she isn't
cats and dogs aren't
my brother isn't
we aren't
my brother an I aren't
Tom and Jerry aren't
They aren't

are we...?
is rohit...?
is it...?
is she...?
are cats and dogs...?
is my brother...?
are we...?
are mt brother and I...?
are Tom and Jerry...?
are they...?
is he...?
respondido por: Dressolita


1) Are

2) is

3) is

4) is

5) are

6) are

7) is

8) are

9) are

10) is

11) are

12) is

                            Explicação de Am, Is e Are.

Am= Só é usado para o sujeito ''I'' (eu), então se vc ver a palavra ''I'', saiba que em seguida sempre virá o ''am''. Pode estar abrevidado também, ai será '' I'm '', e lembre-se, ''I'' SEMPRE é em maiúsculo, mesmo se estiver no meio da frase!

exemplo:               V  forma abreviada V

I am a happy kid.  I'm a happy kid

(eu sou uma criança feliz)

Is= Usado após (ou antes se for uma pergunta) IT (ele ou ela em ptbr, mas em ingles seria algum objeto ou animal)

exemplo:        V  forma abreviada V

It is happy.     It is happy

Are= Usado após ( ou antes se for uma pergunta) de YOU/HE/SHE/THEY/WE (vc, ele, ela, eles/elas, nós).

exemplo:             V  forma abreviada V

You are happy.      You're happy.

He is happy.           He's happy.

She is happy.         She's happy.

They are happy.     They're happy.

We are happy.         We're happy.


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