4-Identifique a continuação da frase : " If I find your email , ..."
A)I will buy a new clothes.
B)I will travel to many places.
C)I will send you the picture.
D)I will pass your exames.
5-Qual opção no 2º Conditional completa a frase :" If she ....... a boy , she ...... ...... a better boyfriend." ?
A)was / would be
B)were / will be
C)were / would be
D)was / will be
⇒⇒ Conditionals
4- First Conditional
" If I find your email , I will send you the picture."
A) I will buy a new clothes.
B )I will travel to many places.
C) I will send you the picture. ✅
D) I will pass your exames.
5- Second Conditional
" If she were a boy , she would be a better boyfriend."
A) was / would be
B) were / will be
C) were / would be ✅
D) was / will be
→→ First Conditional / Primeira condicional - Situação real ou possível
If + present simple + will / might / can + verbo
If she is happy I will be happy.
If David arrives earlier we might have dinner together.
If you go to bed earlier you can wake up at 6:30am
Normalmente usamos os ‘’modal verbs’’ ‘’will’’ – ‘’can’’ – ‘’might’’ no futuro.
Will: usado quando é provável que a situação irá acontecer.
Might: usado quando não se tem certeza da ocorrência da situação.
Can: usado quando não tem certeza se a situação irá acontecer ou não.
→→ Second conditional / Segunda Condicional - situação hipotética >> quando queremos falar sobre algo que não tem possibilidade real de acontecer, usamos a segunda condicional.
If + simple past + would /wouldn't + infinitive
If I were rich I would travel a lot.
If Susan arrived on time she would have time enough to finish the work.
Atenção: o verbo ''to be'' na condicional será sempre ''WERE'' para todas as pessoas
If I were
If she were
If he were
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