• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: yallynayra
  • Perguntado 3 anos atrás

a) Complete the sentences below using the appropriate prepositions:
1 - Lucy usually goes to the gym ____________ the evening.
(A Lucy geralmente vai à academia à noite.)
2 - The blue dress I liked is not ____________ the window anymore. I guess it’s been sold.
(O vestido azul que eu gostei não está mais na vitrine. Eu acho que ele foi vendido.)
3 - Two actors were hurt in the making ____________ the movie.
(Dois atores ficaram machucados na produção do filme.)
4 - Daniel was so tired he ended up sleeping ____________ the bus.
(O Daniel estava tão cansado que ele acabou dormindo no ônibus.)
5 - I prefer to study __________ night.
(Eu prefiro estudar à noite.)
6 - I’ve been dreaming ___________ my parents a lot.
(Eu tenho sonhado muito com os meus pais.)
7 - What happened ___________ your car?
(O que aconteceu com o seu carro?)
8 - I got scared when I saw that man ___________ the window.
(Eu me assustei quando vi aquele homem na janela.)
9 - ___________ the summer we always go to my grandma’s house.
(No verão nós sempre vamos pra casa da minha avó.)
10 - The kids and I like to go to the park ___________ Sunday mornings.
(Eu e as crianças gostamos de ir ao parque nos domingos de manhã.)

63517225: Me da resposta


respondido por: CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Prepositions

1 - Lucy usually goes to the gym in  the evening.

2 - The blue dress I liked is not in the window anymore. I guess it’s been sold.

3 - Two actors were hurt in the making of  the movie.

4 - Daniel was so tired he ended up sleeping in  the bus.

5 - I prefer to study at night.

6 - I’ve been dreaming with my parents a lot.

7 - What happened to your car?

8 - I got scared when I saw that man by the window.

9 - In the Summer we always go to my grandma’s house.

10 - The kids and I like to go to the park on  Sunday mornings.

→→  Prepositions IN - ON - AT

in - geral

on - more specific - mais específico

at - very specific - muito específico

→→  ''in'' para se referir aos períodos maiores e menos específicos, como uma parte do dia, meses, estações do ano, anos, séculos

in May

in Summer

in 1990

in the morning

in the Spring

in the past

→→  ''on'' para dias da semana e datas

on 6th March

on the weekend

on Sunday morning

Monday afternoon

on January 10th, 2010

on New Year’s Eve

→→  ''at'' para tempo específico (hora), lugar, address - endereço completo

at one clock

at half past nine.

at the Mall

at Easter

at the same time

at 3245 Paulista Ave.

at 97 Ocean Dr.

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