• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: joyceandrade3377
  • Perguntado 4 anos atrás

Atividade de inglês (na foto )
Texto para auxiliar na atividade:

How are you living? What are you doing to stay healthy? Are you not eating and sleeping accordingly? Are you working and worrying too much? Aren’t you exercising? Even being very useful, these questions are often boring to answer.
If you are taking care of your life, congratulations! But if you are smoking cigaretts; drinking alcoholic bevarages in excesso; eating too much and sleeping late, my sympathies! You are entering the roll of people facing actual risky factors.
Your chances of a long and healthy life are not many. At least, these are some of the medical conclusions all over the world.




respondido por: 1Ruan2



Questão 1

1 -How are you living?

2-What you doing to stay health?

3-Aren´t you exercising?

4 - Are you working and worring too much?

5-If you take c\re of your life, congrulations.

Questão 2

1-We are swimming in the lake.

2- I am cutting apples.

3- The cat is sleeping.

4- She is washing the dishes.

5 - He is leaving for school

Questão 3

1- We are not swimming in the lake

Are we swimming in the lake?

2- I am not cutting apples

Am I cutting appes?

3- The cat is not sleeping.

Is the cat sleeping?

4 - She is not washing the dishes

Is she washing the dishes?

5 - He is not leaving for school

Is he leaving for school?

Questão 4

1 - Looking

2 - Searching

3- Taking

4- Being

5- Seeing

6- Playing

7- Planing


9- controling

10- Permiting

joyceandrade3377: moço pode me ajudar em outra questão?
joyceandrade3377: está no meu perfil
joyceandrade3377: e a continuação dessa atividade
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