• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: samyrapiettrabstista
  • Perguntado 3 anos atrás

oi complete as frases do caso genetivo delas​


samyrapiettrabstista: alguém me ajudarrrrrr


respondido por: Scorpionático

se a palavra termina em s, então vc usa apenas ' e se não vc usa 's


a) Billy's blue car is in the garage

b) Mr. John's secretary is here

c) They sell ladies' clothes in this store

d) The doctor's kids are very nice

e) The woman's boyfriends are late

f) My friends' cousins are beautifull

g) We love Grandema's cookies

h) The engineer's sunglasses are broken

i) I don't like boys' sneakers

j) Bring the Baby's toys

2 -

a) women's skirts are white

b) horse's tail is not short

c)  doctors' offices are beautifull

d)  students' books are new

e)  babies' toys  are funny

f) Mrs Sally's hat is red

g) My sister's dress is old

h) char's leg is broken

3 -

a) Julie closed windows' store

b) dog's pupilis is sleeping right now

c) The book's name is Twilight

d) John's jacket is here

e) gate's house is closed

Good night =)


samyrapiettrabstista: foi mal
samyrapiettrabstista: ei
samyrapiettrabstista: no segundo cadê o h
Scorpionático: lkkkk vdd, vou ajeitar lá
Scorpionático: Pronto, vc ajeitou a outra pergunta?
samyrapiettrabstista: errei todas só acertei 2
Scorpionático: Falta alguma pergunta ainda?
samyrapiettrabstista: não
samyrapiettrabstista: vale 100 pontos as três tarefas
Scorpionático: Ahh então boa sorte =)
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