Let’s learn some characteristics of limericks. Read the poem below and answer the questions.
The Satisfaction of EnoughLearning to let go of “stuff”Is a task that can be very tough We’re taught from our birthThat “stuff” is our worthBut that won’t get you the satisfaction of enough!
a) Is it a humorous poem?
b) Is it short or long
c) How many lines are there in a limerick?
d) Which lines rhyme? Give examples of the words that rhyme in these lines.
e) Which lines are shorter?
f) Based on the questions above, write some of the characteristics of a limerick.
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a) Is it a humorous poem?
It is a humorous poem, but not completely. Limerick poems are a mixture of nonsense, witty and humorous lines.
b) Is it short or long
Limerick poems can't be long. They need to have 5 verses, so it's a short poem.
c) How many lines are there in a limerick?
5 lines
d) Which lines rhyme? Give examples of the words that rhyme in these lines.
Enough rhymes with stuff and rough.
e) Which lines are shorter?
The first line and the fourth one.
f) Based on the questions above, write some of the characteristics of a limerick.
For a poem to be considered a limerick poem, it needs to have 5 lines, the first line, second line and fifth lines end in rhyming words. Plus, the rhythm of a limerick is anapestic, which means two unstressed syllables are followed by a third stressed syllable.
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Lendo o poem "The Satisfaction of Enough", temos:
a) Yes, it is a humorous poem.
b) It's short.
c) There are five lines.
d) Lines 1, 2 and 5 and lines 3 and 4. Stuff, tough and enough rimes. Birth and worth also rimes with each other.
e) The third and fourth lines.
f) Some characteristics of limericks are: humorous; shorter with five lines; lines three and four are shorter; lines one, two and five rimes; lines three and four also rimes.
Traduzida como limerique, é uma poesia voltada para o humor. Ela precisa ser curta, com a quantidade fixa de cinco linhas e seguir o seguinte esquema de rima:
- A primeira, a segunda e a quinta linhas precisam rimar (as últimas palavras de cada linha têm um som parecido);
- A terceira e a quarta linhas também rimam entre si e são as mais curtas do poema.
Esse esquema de rima pode ser representado pelas letras A e B, que demonstram visualmente a rima. Assim, o limerick segue o esquema AABBA.
Mostrando a rima, temos:
- stuff, tough e enough: som final dessas palavras: óff
- birth e worth: som final: fi.
Para ver outro exercício sobre poema, acesse: https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/49744541
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