• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: kekel1056
  • Perguntado 4 anos atrás

2. Complete as frases com o futuro imediato, observando o verbo princi- pal entre parênteses: Attention! (Atenção!) Observe também a concordância do verbo to be com o sujeito de cada frase. Ex: Mother dinner tonight. (to cook) Mother is going to cook dinner tonight . (Mamãe vai preparar o jantar hoje à noite.)
1. The sailor around the world. (to travel) (O marinheiro val viajar ao redor do mundo.)
2.I in Mexico next year. (to live) (Eu vou morar no México no próximo ano.)
3. They a new house. (to buy) (Eles vão comprar uma casa nova.)
4. The secretary a letter tomorrow moming. (to write) (A secretária val escrever uma carta amanhã de manha) 5. Mrs. Trace and you at 6 o'clock next Wednesday (to get up) (A Senhora Trace evool vio acordar as 6 horas na próxima quarta-loira) Blology next year. (to study) (Nós vamos estudar biologia no próximo ano.)
6. We Biology next tear.( tô study)


respondido por: erik5122005

1. The sailor is going to travel around the world.

2. I'm living in Mexico next year. ou I'm going to live in Mexico next year. A primeira opção soa mais natural.

3. They're going to buy a new house.

4. The secretary is writing a letter tomorrow morning. ou The secretary is going to write a letter tomorrow morning.

5. Mrs Trace and you are going to get up at 6 o'clock next Wednesday.

6. We're studying biology next year. ou We're going to study biology next year.

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