1- Assinale a alternativa certa: I went to the supermarket by--------------
b) himself
c) jerself
d) itself.
2- O pronome reflexivo ourselves completa corretamente a seguinte frase:
a)- Tom had dinner at the restaurant by-------------
b)- We wash-------- in the morning.
c)- I cut ------- eith that sharp knife.
d)- Jorge wrote the letter-------------.
3- Marque a frase que usa corretamente o pronome reflexivo:
a)- I myself fix the car.
b)-He cut himselves yestarday.
c)- The usually study by ourselves.
d)-The book herself was interesting.
1- Assinale a alternativa certa: I went to the supermarket by--------------
b) himself
c) jerself
d) itself.
2- O pronome reflexivo ourselves completa corretamente a seguinte frase:
a)- Tom had dinner at the restaurant by-------------
b)- We wash-------- in the morning.
c)- I cut ------- eith that sharp knife.
d)- Jorge wrote the letter-------------.
3- Marque a frase que usa corretamente o pronome reflexivo:
a)- I myself fix the car.
b)-He cut himselves yestarday.
c)- The usually study by ourselves.
d)-The book herself was interesting.
1 - A, 2 - B e 3 - A.
1 ) Myself (eu mesmo; sozinho) ---> i (eu)
I went to the supermarket by myself (Eu fui para o supermercado sozinho)
2 ) Ourselves ( nós mesmos; nos)---> we (nós).
We wash ourselves in the morning (nós nos lavamos de manhã)
3 ) Myself (eu mesmo; sozinho) ---> i (eu)
I myself fix the car ( Eu arrumei o carro sozinho)
Os outros da terceira questão estão incorretos pois he --> himself,
we --> ourselves, her --> herself e it --> itself.
Myself (eu mesmo; sozinho) ---> i (eu)
I went to the supermarket by myself (Eu fui para o supermercado sozinho)
Ourselves ( nós mesmos)---> we (nós).
We wash ourselves in the morning (nós nos “limpamos de manhã)
Myself (eu mesmo; sozinho) ---> i (eu)
I myself fix the car ( Eu arrumei o carro sozinho)