Responda as perguntas abaixo usando as fórmulas do used to.
a) who used to your hero when you were young
b) what was your country like when you were a child
c) do you think the past was better than the present? why or why not?
d) what used to be your favorite when you were a child
Quem costumava ser seu herói quando você era jovem? Meu herói costumava ser meu professor de inglês.
What was your country like when you were a child? It used to be better than it is nowadays.
Como era o seu país quando você era criança? Costumava ser melhor do que é hoje.
Do you think the past was better than the present? Why or why not? It used to be different, much less technology but much more fun, there were no frightening viruses but on the other hand we had no smartphones.
Você acha que o passado era melhor que o presente? Por que sim ou por que não? Costumava ser diferente, muito menos tecnologia mas muito mais diversão, não havia vírus ameaçadores mas por outro lado não tínhamos smartphones.
What used to be your favorite (*FALTA ALGUMA COISA AQUI VOU USAR FOOD COMO EXEMPLO) food* when you were a child? My favorite food when I was a child was pasta.
O que costumava sua (alguma coisa. Usei comida como exemplo) comida favorita quando criança? Quando criança, minha comida favorita costumava ser macarrão.
Se te ajudou, marque como a melhor resposta, assim você ajuda várias pessoas e me ajuda também, não custa nada! :)
Responda as perguntas abaixo usando as fórmulas do used to.
a) When I was a kid, my favorite hero used to be Goku, from Dragon Ball Z. I used to watch the episodes every day and dreamed of having super powers like he did.
b) My country has always been in crisis, so we were used to it. When I was a child, my country was governed by President Lula, a president who greatly helped the neediest families to overcome the poverty line.
c) I don't know. Sometimes our nostalgia kicks in by remembering past times. So we may think that the world used to be a better place, but we are always evolving and good and bad times always happen.
d) When I was little I used to eat pizza. Now that I'm an adult, pizza is still my favorite food.
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