I don’t understand Jamille. ____ really don’t understand ________.
b) The internet insn’t only for ________, it’s for all of _________.
c) The limites genetic diversity of cultivated bananas makes ____ vulnerable to pests and diseases.
d) Astronomers think some of those stars have planets, and some of _______ probably have life.
e) Those planets are so distant that there is no real possibility for ___ to see or contact anyone living on ________.
f) Nathan was our doctor, do you remember _____? I think ____ lives in New York, but ____am not sure about that.
g) ____ loves a lot of stories and the boy loves to listen to _____.
h) If you see someone without a smile, give ______ or ______ one of yours.
i) This is my daughter, Samantha. Isn’t _____ pretty? I love _____.
Resposta:I don’t understand Jamille. (I) really don’t understand (her).
b) The internet insn’t only for (me/you), it’s for all of (us).
c) The limites genetic diversity of cultivated bananas makes (it) vulnerable to pests and diseases.
d) Astronomers think some of those stars have planets, and some of (them) probably have life.
e) Those planets are so distant that there is no real possibility for (us) to see or contact anyone living on (them).
f) Nathan was our doctor, do you remember (him)? I think (he) lives in New York, but (I) am not sure about that.
g) (She) loves a lot of stories and the boy loves to listen to (them).
h) If you see someone without a smile, give (them) one of yours.
i) This is my daughter, Samantha. Isn’t (she) pretty? I love (her).