1. I love Peter
Sujeito: I
Objeto: Peter
Maria loves Pedro.
2. Maria sings reggae and soul music songs.
Sujeito: Maria
Objeto: reggae and soul music songs
Julio sings pop music songs.
3. The cats run after the dogs.
Sujeito: cats
Objeto: dogs
The lions run after the deer.
4. John likes Mary and me.
Sujeito: John
Objeto: Mary and me
Jorge likes Marina and Bia.
5. John and I play soccer.
Sujeito: John and I
Objeto: soccer
Leandro and Renata play chess.
6. Do you love me?
Sujeito: you
Objeto: me
Do they love Marta?
7. You talked to Mary
Sujeito: You
Objeto: Mary
Karina talked to Raul.
8. The dog loves you!
Sujeito: dog
Objeto: you
The cat loves me!
9. Mary and Paul love animals.
Sujeito: Mary and Paul
Objeto: animals
Mara e Fernanda love junk food.
10. The soccer players win the match.
Sujeito: soccer players
Objeto: match
The best students win the math olympics.
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1-Resto de comida
2-Casca de frutas
6-Copos quebrados
7-Pratos quebrados