• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: saraalves0120
  • Perguntado 3 anos atrás

1. Mark the right alternative:
Ad is a multisemiotic text.
Digital footprint is equal personal profile.
Jingle is a non-verbal language.​

typy1081: do cmsp
vs4647514: N e a b é a c
00001112993630sp: é a C
opagalera: é a C
mendesivan782: É a (A) fui na C e errei:(
acsilvaalves01: ALTERNATIVA C
acsilvaalves01: A A
caiquelima2022: e a a
juliaregina573: Eu fui na A e errei
unakpoploka: nao e a letra ( a )


respondido por: yngredypoli55


letra a



espero ter ajudado (a).

igorpaladino99: Certin. Valeu
uchijonpsn: certin vlw
annajuliadagraca: Coloquei A e errei
annajuliadagraca: Era a letra B
00001086951244sp: Coloquei A Errei era a B
juliaketlynsantos28: Não era A
Kemilycorrea: Acho que deve ser a C então pq ru coloque a B e errei
whowegga04: é a C
respondido por: yuri14rodrigues

In advertising (ad), its strategies and its argumentative resources make the reader notice that the function of language is to show that some ideals are imposed on the target audience (item A).

The language in advertising can impose some concepts and suggestions to the consumer.

There are some types of advertisements that care and aim to establish some opinion makers from their general public, in order to promote some specific idea or product.

Through the argument inserted in the advertisement itself, we can influence a certain consumer to agree with the advertisement.

mais em brainly.com.br/tarefa/47060306


bmagayver: mentiraaaaaaa n presta nem pra colocar respota certa, e a AAAAAAA
bmagayver: quer dizerr e letra a BB
usuariobr121: É a (B) caso seja CMSP
analuizagoncal2: ahhhh era a alternativa "B" myth cannot be proven.
sortudojose: C pode confiar
jheniferbueno44: é a b nao A
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