• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: vitoriaferreira1073
  • Perguntado 3 anos atrás

06. A forma interrogativa da frase: “ Peter was doing the exercise.” , é: a) Was Peter doing the exercise? b) Peter doing the exercise was? c) Peter was doing the exercise? d) Was doing Peter the exercise? 07. A forma negativa da frase: “ You were walking in the park.” , é: a) You not were walking in the park. b) You were walking not in the park. c) Not you were walking in the park. d) You were not walking in the park. 08. Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente com os artigos adequados na sentença abaixo. I. “Susan is in _____ hotel. She is eating ____ orange , ____ apple and _____ big mango.” a) ( ) a- an- an- an b) ( ) a- an- an- a c) ( ) an- an- an- a d) ( ) an- a- a- an II. “ “There is______ excellent manager in______bank I know.” a) a, the. b) an, an. c) a, an. d) an, the. III. “Daniel met _________ beautiful woman. She was _____ American girl. She was wearing ______ white dress and ________ red lipstick.” a) a- an- a- a b) an- an- a- a c) a- an- a- an d) a- an- an- a 09. A frase: “ Nancy travelled to New York last year.”, encontra-se no tempo verbal: a) Simple Present b) Simple Past c) Simple Future d) Past Continuous 10. Os passado dos verbos, “ PLAY, GO, PERMIT, FIGHT, DRINK.”, estão corretamente escritos em qual alternativa abaixo: a) PLAYED, GOED, PERMITED, FIGHTED, DRINKED b) PLAIED, WENT, PERMITED, FIGHTED, DRANK c) PLAYED, WENT, PERMITTED, FOUGHT, DRANK d) PLAIED, GOED, PERMITTED, FOUGHT,DRANKED


respondido por: gtalita5451



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