• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: cardososaraa12223
  • Perguntado 3 anos atrás

Escolha o pronome demonstrativo correto para a oração:

I am teaching __________ girl over there.

Escolha uma:

a. These

b. Those

c. That

d. This

Questão 42

Texto da questão

Leia o texto e assinale a alternativa correta:

One in five American adults have at least one kind of disability, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Thursday. The study, drawn from 2013 data, says 53 million Americans have a disability.

The non-profit's research has found that 20% of people with disabilities have a job, while 69% of people without disabilities are employed. However, younger Americans with disabilities have nearly the same access to education as children without disabilities.

O número 20 no segundo parágrafo do texto refere-se a:

Escolha uma:

a. Porcentagem de americanos sem deficiência que possuem um emprego.

b. Porcentagem de americanos, tanto adultos como crianças, que apresentam algum tipo de deficiência.

c. Porcentagem de americanos adultos que apresentam algum tipo de deficiência.

d. Porcentagem de americanos com deficiência que possuem um emprego.

Questão 43

Texto da questão

Leia o texto e escolha a alternativa com uma afirmação verdadeira:

DID SANTOS DUMONT INVENT THE WRIST WATCH? ... Santos Dumont did not invent the wrist watch, but he was probably the first male civilian to use a watch after asking his friend Louis Cartier to make him a timepiece he could use while flying. Previously, only royalty and soldiers had used watches.

Escolha uma:

a. Louis Cartier usou um relógio enquanto voava.

b. Santos Dumont não inventou o relógio de pulso.

c. Santos Dumont queria um relógio para usar enquanto trabalhava em suas invenções.

d. Santos Dumont não foi o primeiro a usar um relógio de pulso.

Questão 44

Texto da questão

Leia o texto e assinale a alternativa correta:


By Renuka Rayasam

Tim Powell isn’t a morning person. Which is surprising, because most days he gets up before 6am. On weekdays, while most of us are still asleep, he wakes up at 5.45am, exercises at his home gym, gets ready for work and drives into the office. Before setting foot in the building, he takes a short walk around a local park to collect his thoughts before sitting down to work around 9am. On Thursdays, a particularly early start at 5.20am gives him time to squeeze in a pre-work German lesson.

Powell works 70 hours a week as a patent lawyer in Nottingham in the UK. The demands of the job have forced him to have a highly structured, organised morning routine. The discipline of his mornings help him get more done during the day, he said.

A rotina matinal de Tim Powell inclui:

Escolha uma:

a. Aula de alemão às quintas-feiras depois do trabalho.

b. Aula de alemão às terças-feiras antes do trabalho.

c. Ir a pé para o trabalho.

d. Exercícios em sua academia doméstica.

Questão 45

National Christmas Tree 2016 (Lighting, Tickets & More)

Since 1923, the United States has held a tradition of lighting a National Christmas Tree in Washington, DC each holiday season. In 1978, a live 40-foot Colorado blue spruce was transplanted from York, Pennsylvania to its present site on the Ellipse, the grassy area south of the White House. In 1954, a "Pathway of Peace," 56 smaller, decorated trees representing all 50 states, five territories, and the District of Columbia were planted surrounding the National Christmas Tree.

(from: http://dc.about.com/od/hoildaysseasonalevents/a/ChristmasTree.htm)

O adjetivo possessivo “its” na terceira linha do texto refere-se a:

Escolha uma:

a. the grassy area south of the White House

b. a live 40-foot Colorado blue spruce

c. 56 smaller, decorated trees

d. present site


respondido por: BiaHatakeUchiha
Questão 41
C) that

Questão 42
D) porcentagem de americanos com deficiência quê possuem emprego

Questão 43

B) Santos Dumont não inventou o relógio de pulso

Questão 44
D) exercícios em sua academia doméstica

Questão 45
B)a live 40-foot Colorado blue spruce
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