most South Africans are multilingual. the are 11 official languages in South Africa. Read the following statements about South Africans' first languages. Match the underlined words with the numbers, Fractions, Percetagens and decimals in the box.
A questão nos pede para representar com porcentagens, frações e números decimais a quantidade de falantes de diferentes línguas na áfrica do Sul.
a. Zulu, Xhosa and Afrikaans added up represent a little more than half of the population's first language.
Resposta: (52.2%)
b. Almost one quarter of the population speaks Zulu.
Resposta: (22.7%)
c. Three quarters of the population speak a first language that is not associated with the colonizers (Afrikaans and English).
Resposta: (74.8%)
d. The two most spoken first languages (Zulu and Xhosa) represent more than one third of South Africans.
Resposta: (38.7%)
e. More than two hundred thirty-four thousand people use sign language.
Resposta: 234,655
f. Almost five million people speak English.
Resposta: 4,892,623
g. Zero point five percent of the population use sign language.
Resposta: 0.5%
h. Thirteen point five percent of people speak Afrikaans.
Resposta: 13.5%