Escreva uma palavra começando com cada letra do alfabeto em inglês em seguida escreva uma pequena definição explicando o que ela é um exemplo perfeito para você APPLE its a red fruit that teachers like eating
e para hoje antes do meio dia por favorrr s n fico sem nota
Avocado - a green fruit that is big
Banana - A yellow fruit that looks like many things
Car - The most used transporation method
Diamond - A very rare and expensive elemnt
Eagle - A big bird that hunts animals
Fox - A land animal that screams loudly
Golf cart - A small vehicle used to transport people around golf courses
Hotel - A place people stay during the night
Ice - Frozen water
Jeans - A material used for paints and other things
Kangaroo - An agressive animal found in Australia
Lime - A sour fruit
Monkey - A funny animal found around the world
Nachos - A delicious mexican food
Oatmeal - A grain that is used for cooking
Plane - A flying machine that can take you anywhere
Queen - The one who rules a country
Rice - A famous food in Brasil
Sour cream - A cream mostly consumed in the United States
Train - A not very fast and not very efficient method of transportation
Uniform - A type of clothing that is mostly used in schools and other formal places
Van - A big car or a small truck used for transportation
Whiskey - An alcoholic drink for adults
X-ray - Used to see inside things
Yatch - A very expensive boat for rich people
Zebra - An african animal