Responda às perguntas sobre o texto. 1- Você já ouviu falar do BCAM- Breast Cancer Awareness Month? _________________________________
2- Você acha que esta campanha é importante? __________________________________
3- Você conhece alguém que sofreu impacto de câncer de mama? ___________________________
4- Em quais países o câncer de mama está aumentando? Porque? __________________________________
5- Você sabia que os homens também são afetados por esta doença? ________________________________
6- Quais são as chances de homens terem câncer de mama? _________________________________
7- Você acha que o estilo de vida impacta na prevenção do câncer de mama? Porque? _____________________________________
8- O que devemos fazer para melhorar o estilo de vida saudável? ____________________________
essa pergunta é pessoal
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Vou responder em inglês
1- Yes. The International Breast Cancer Awareness Movement, Pink October was created in the early 1990s by the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the cure.
2- Yes this campaign is hugely important.
3- Yes, I know
4- Are increasing in more developed countries as it is diagnosed too late.
5- Yes
6- 1 in 833
7- A balanced life promotes defense mechanisms to the body, scaring and improving cancer prevention. On the other hand, a series of bad habits can have the opposite effect and increase the chances of developing the disease.
• Sleep well. Just as eating and exercising are essential for healthy living, sleep is no different.
• Drink water.
• Practice physical exercises.
• Spend time doing what you love.
• Have a balanced diet.
• Take periodic exams.
• Keep the weight off.
• Work with what you like. Etc.