• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: melissasousa2169
  • Perguntado 3 anos atrás

Expressions of Quantity
4- Read the fragments
below from page 134, focus on the words in bold and choose the correct item ( triângulo or quadrado) that completes each sentence that follows. Write the answers in your notebook.
I. "Many people are unaware of how much sugar they're eating (...)"
II. "We do need some sugar, for energy (...)"
III. "(...) refined sugar doesn't contain any other nutrients."

a. The quantifier many (fragment I) refers to

Triângulo people (countable noun).
Quadrado sugar (uncountable noun).

b. The quantifier much (fragment I) refers to

Triângulo people (countable noun).

Quadrado sugar (uncountable noun).

c.The quantifiers some (fragment II) and any (fragment III) refer to

Triângulo a definite quantity.

Quadrado an indefinite quantity.

5- Replace each icon * with countable or uncountable to complete the statements below. Write the answers in your notebook.

a. With * , plural nouns, use: many , not many , too many and how many.

Examples: There are many carrots in your juice.
How many oranges are there?
Not many.

b. With * nouns, use: much, not much , too much and how much.

Examples: There is too much water in your juice.
How much sugar is there?
Not much.

6- Replace each icon * with How much or How many to complete the questions below. Write the answers in your notebook.

a. * meals do you have a day ?
b. * water do you drink a day?
c. * milk do you usually drink a day?
d. * glasses of fruit smoothie do you drink a week?
e. * servings of fruit do you eat a day?

Pessoal me ajudem a responder estas questões , preciso das explicações e das respostas ok pessoal ! :)
Assunto : Countable and Uncountable nouns
Expressions of Quantity

Preciso com urgência!!!!

Anônimo: Por nada!
melissasousa2169: vc me ajudou demais
melissasousa2169: quando eu precisar irei lhe chamar tá bom , que Deus te abençoe sempre
melissasousa2169: Tenha uma ótima noite
Anônimo: Olha, não estou querendo ser chata, nem nada do tipo, mas a minha bateria tá em 24% e tá de noite. Mas se puder, eu te ajudo, como fiz nas outras vezes, tudo bem?
Anônimo: Tenha uma ótima noite você também!
melissasousa2169: Tudo bem
melissasousa2169: Obrigada
melissasousa2169: Sem problemas
melissasousa2169: Irei pesquisar , e irei conseguir resolver as outras questões , tá bom


respondido por: CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Countable and uncountable nouns

4- Read the fragments

I. "Many people are unaware of how much sugar they're eating (...)"

II. "We do need some sugar, for energy (...)"

III. "(...) refined sugar doesn't contain any other nutrients."

a. The quantifier many (fragment I) refers to

Triângulo   >>   people (countable noun)  ✅  

Quadrado  >>   sugar (uncountable noun)

b. The quantifier much (fragment I) refers to

Triângulo   >>  people (countable noun)

Quadrado >>  sugar (uncountable noun)  ✅  

c.  The quantifiers some (fragment II) and any (fragment III) refer to

Triângulo    >>  a definite quantity

Quadrado   >>  an indefinite quantity  ✅  

5- Replace each icon * with countable or uncountable to complete the statements below.

a. With countable, plural nouns, use: many , not many , too many and how many.

b. With uncountable nouns, use: much, not much , too much and how much.

6- Replace each icon * with How much or How many to complete the questions below. Write the answers in your notebook.

a. How many meals do you have a day ?

b. How much water do you drink a day?

c. How much milk do you usually drink a day?

d.  How many glasses of fruit smoothie do you drink a week?

e.  How many servings of fruit do you eat a day?


➡️   Uncountable nouns - são substantivos no singular e que precisam de uma unidade de medida (1 copo, 1 xicara, 1 kilo, 1 litro, um pouco, muito)

a glass of milk

a cup of tea

➡️   Countable nouns - substantivos que têm singular E plural e, por isso, podem ser contatos >> 1, 2, 3, muitos

many people

three girls

four pens


➡️   Many (muitos - muitas) - é usado para substantivos que possuem a forma plural e que não precisam de uma unidade de medida (copo, quilo, grama, etc.) . São substantivos contáveis (countable nouns)


many boys

many girls

many houses

➡️   Much (muito, muita) - é usado quando o substantivo não pode ser usado no plural >>> precisam de uma unidade de medida: um copo, uma colher, um quilo, 100 gramas, etc. São substantivos incontáveis (uncountable nouns)


much milk

much sugar

learn more




Anônimo: Good Answer! Cremilda. ☁️
melissasousa2169: obrigada CremildaBr
melissasousa2169: Melhor resposta
CremildaBR: ;)
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