Ingles 5, Pet 4
Semana 5
1 - According to the timeline, when and how did slavery start in the world?
R-3000 ac.
2 - According to the timeline, what is the origin of the word slave? Explain it.
3 - It is said that in 1466, the Portuguese settlers are granted a monopoly on the “new slave trade”. If that
slave trade in Cape Verde was a new one, which other slave commerce examples are mentioned in the
timeline? Specify when they happened, where they were, and who were the people involved in it.
4 - A escravidão está extinta no mundo contemporâneo? Pesquise dois exemplos atuais de escravidão.
Escreva-os abaixo e sugira possíveis formas que a sociedade pode fiscalizar e retificar esses contextos.
Ao lado está apresentada uma linha do tempo
com alguns pontos principais dos Primeiros Re-
gistros da História da África – Parte II.
6 – Read the timeline and answer:
6.1 True or False? If false, write the correct
a) According to evidence, the Europeans were the first travelers to come to the Americas. ( )
b) The only kingdom in Africa was Egypt. ( )
c) Back in 420 we could hear people defen-
ding and fighting for the equality of all human beings. ( )
d) There is no register of slavery in Europe before 1500. ( )
e) A great number of empires emerged along the History of the African Continent. ( )
f) The slaves in Italy in 1400 were composed of people from many African kingdoms. ( )
g) Between 1414 and 1423, 10.000 Nigerian slaves were sold in Venice. ( )
g) The beginning of the direct involvement of Europe with the African slave trade dates back to 2700 BCE. ( )
Now, correct the sentences that were false:
1) According to the timeline, slavery started in the world c. 3000 BC.
2) The origin of the word slave is the word Slav, people captured by Germans c. 950 AC.
3) Other slave commerce examples in the timeline are: African Slave Trade, in Sahara, c. 700 AC.; Turkish Slaves (Mamelukes), used by caliphs in Baghdad c. 850 AC.; the Slavs, captured by Germans, c. 950 AC.
4) Essa resposta é pessoal.
6) Ao ler a timeline, as falsas e verdadeiras são:
a) F. The first travelers to come to the Americas were Africans.
b) F. There are several Kigdoms in Africa, like Kingdom of Songhai, Empire of Mali, Empire of Benin, Jingdom of the Kongo.
c) T.
d) F. There is register of slavery in Europe since 1200 AC.
e) T.
f) F. The slaves in Italy in 1400 are most Greeks and Eastern Europeans, not Africans.
g) F. Between 1414 and 1423, 10.000 Eastern European slaves were sold in Venice, not Africans.
h) F. Direct involvement of European with the African slave began in 1441, with Antam Gonçalvez of Portugal.
Para conseguir responder essas perguntas, é preciso ler o texto com atenção e paciência, fazendo a interpretação. Como está escrito em inglês, tente entender o assunto, a ideia principal. Durante a leitura, sublinhe as palavras que conhece. Depois, é só procurar o significado em um dicionário português-inglês, para esclarecer qualquer dúvida ou compreensão errada.
As duas timelines mostram a história da escravidão, ou seja, o início e o desenvolvimento dela no mundo ao longo do tempo. Elas contêm o ano e uma pequena descrição de como a escravidão se deu (o nome dos povos que escravizaram e dos escravizados).
Para saber sobre interpretação de texto em inglês, que vai ajudar você a responder esses tipos de perguntas, acesse: