1- Relacione as palavras a seus significados
a) beneath
b) butterfly
c) endure
d) moth
e) mountains
f) representation
g) shatter
h) resilient
( ) a very high hill
( ) an insect with large wings that often flies at night
( ) an insect with large colored wings
( ) the act of representing or the state of being represented
( ) to break something difficult or impleasant
( ) under something
( ) able to quickfly return to aprevious good condition
2- Escolha 3 palavras da questão 1 e crie 3 frases em inglês:
3- Organize as palavras a seguir de acordo com sua classe gramatical:
and - apologize - before - brave - ceiling - feet - greatest - hammers - have - I - itself - made - otherwise - place - pretty - since - sound - trying - unable - us - vital - within - world - you.
⇒⇒ Adjectives - Adverbs - Nouns >> Grammar
1- Relacione as palavras a seus significados
a) beneath (a) under something
b) butterfly (b) an insect with large colored wings
c) endure aguentar, suportar (não há nenhuma frase)
d) moth (d) an insect with large wings that often flies at night
e) mountains (e) a very high hill
f) representation (f) the act of representing or the state of being represented
g) shatter (g) to break something difficult or impleasant
h) resilient (h) able to quickly return to a previous good condition
2- Escolha 3 palavras da questão 1 e crie 3 frases em inglês:
How long can you endure this situation?
I like to go camping near the mountains.
I am afraid of butterfly and moth.
3- Organize as palavras a seguir de acordo com sua classe gramatical:
apologize - have - trying - made
ceiling - hammers - place - sound - world - feet
brave - greatest - vital - unable - pretty
before - within - since
and - otherwise
I - itself - you - us
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