⇒⇒ Prepositions ''round'' and ''around''
Around: na vizinhança, nos arredores, na redondeza
Is there any good restaurant around ?
There is a park around the university.
Round: dependendo do contexto, pode ser:
ao redor de: The area round downtown was full of cops.
partida (de jogo): I'll play the next round.
redondo(a): The Earth is round.
ida e volta: We are going to buy a round trip ticket.
⇒⇒ Prepositions / Preposições >> relacionam substantivos e pronomes aos outros elementos de uma frase, podendo, também preceder um gerúndio (verbo terminando em -ing). As preposições são, em resumo, conectores das orações, ou seja, completam o sentido da oração.
I live in New York.
Susan works at the mall.
David has worked here for 5 years.
You better arrive home before your dad.
I couldn't find any pharmacy around the office.
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