Um pequeno diálogo em inglês.
explique o assunto principal e depois escolher 3 frases desse diálogo e traduzir para português.
Resposta: Explicação:
Paul - Good morning Iguiin. How are you?
Iguiin - Good morning Paul. I am not feeling very well. I 've been sick.
Paull - What was the problem?
Iguiin - I had high fever, headaches. I 've been sweating during the sleep
time, every night . I was feeling so bad.
Paull - Let me guess: it's Covid. Have you been to an hospital?
Iguiin - Yes. And they advise me to use antipyretics pills. And stay at
home during two full weeks. And if it got worse to come back to the
hospital. Today is my first day out .
Paul - Are you getting better ?
Iguiin - Yes. But it is still too hard for me.
Paul - Well Iguiin I wish that you will keep getting better. I have to go now.
I wish you the best. I will call you every day to find out about your
recovery. I wish you a speedy recovery.
O assunto único é o Covid que o Iguiin ( pode ser outro nome ) apanhou.
Neste diálogo o seu amigo Paulo lhe perguntou o que aconteceu, que
doença teve e como está evoluindo o estado de saúde do iguiin.
3 frases
1 - Good morning Paul. I am not feeling very well . I 've been sick.
Bom dia Paulo. Não me tenho sentido muito bem. Tenho estado doente
2 - Let me guess: it's Covid. Have you been to an hospital?
Deixa-me adivinhar : é Covid. Foste a um hospital ?
3 - I will call you every day to find out about your recovery.
Telefonar-te-ei todos os dias para saber sobre as tuas melhoras.
Study well.
De saúde, principalmente.