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preciso de um texto sobre consciência do consumismo
inglês wizard homework 186 read and write
Conscious or sustainable consumption involves the search for ecologically correct products and services, saving resources, using goods until the end of their useful life and recycling materials. The uncontrollable and compulsive consumption of society over time has brought very negative consequences for the environment. This excess consumption has led to an overexploitation of natural resources, which can lead to a depletion and scarcity of these resources, compromising the environmental balance.
The conscious consumer, from the ecological perspective, is the one who is concerned with their well-being, with the current society and with the quality of life of future generations and with the expectation of being contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of all. The conscious consumer knows that he can be a transforming agent of society through his act of consumption and, in this way, tries to seek a balance between his personal satisfaction and sustainability, maximizing the positive impacts and minimizing the negative ones of his consumption choices.
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