• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: sasabrm7770
  • Perguntado 3 anos atrás

Toda essas questões da folha pelo o amor, eu tô morrendo de dor de cabeça e tenho que entregar isso hoje



respondido por: eduardafranzoni7

Exercício 1: Present and Past Tenses

a) simple present

b) simple past

c) simple past

d) past progressive

e) simple past

f) simple present

g) simple past - past progressive

h) present progressive

i) simple present

Exercício 2: Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs...

a) happened

b) was watching

c) appeared

d) was holding

e) noticed

f) is trying

g) is drowing

h) went

i) didn't come

j) took

k) found

l) wasn't swimming

m) was lying

n) pulled

o) drowned

p) saved

q) answered

r) told

s) started

t) drowned

u) think

v) wear

w) showed

Exercício 2: Match the sentence beginnings with the endings

a) 3 - wasn't looking

b) 7 - did you do

c) 6 - dropped

d) 4 - wears

e) 2 - are smiling

f) 1 - crashed

g) 5 - isn't speaking

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