1 a) pen?
b) sure. here is the pen.
2 a) pencil sharpener
b) sure here is the pencil sharpener.
3 a) lend me a stapler
b) sorry i don't have one
4 a) you lend me a paper clip
b) sorry i don't have one
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Exercício 4:
1 - A: Can you lend me a pen?
B: Sure, here you go.
2 - A: Can you lend me a pencil sharpener?
B: Sure, here you go.
3 - A: Can you lend me a stapler?
B: Sorry, I don't have one.
4 -A: Can you lend me a paper clip?
B: Sorry, I don't have one.
Exercício 5:
1 - B: Hi, I'm Alice.
B: Yes, I am.
2 - B: Hello! How are you doing?
3 - A: Can you lend me your cellphone real quick, please?
A: Thank you very much!
4 - A: Can you lend me a plastic bag, please?
5 - A: How do you spell your name?