Monte frases com o Verbo TO BE, considerando o enunciado nos parênteses: 1. Your brothers / home tonight (futuro - interrogativa) _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. The activities / complete (passado - negativa) _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. The bills / paid this month (presente - afirmativa) _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Erika / the new English teacher (presente – interrogativa) _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. My daughter / worried yesterday (passado – afirmativa) _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Charlie and Paul / our tenants (futuro – negativa) _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. The documents / on the table (passado – negativa) _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. My bag / on the bed (presente - negativa) _____________________________________________________________________________ 9. The boys / playing football this morning (passado – interrogativa) _____________________________________________________________________________ 10. The meeting / held today (futuro – afirmativa) _____________________________________________________________________________ 11. We / happy together? (futuro – interrogativa) _____________________________________________________________________________ 12. My mother / a teacher at this school (passado – negativa) _____________________________________________________________________________
A fim de que se possa resolver as questões é necessário que se compreenda o processo de transformação das frases em negativa e interrogativa.
Passando as frases para a interrogativa e para negativa
- O verbo to be é irregular. No presente apresenta as formas am (I) / are (You, We, They) e is (He, She, It).
- No passado, suas formas são was (I, He, She, It); were (You, We, They).
- No futuro simples, no entanto, apresenta apenas a forma will be.
- A fim de transformar as frases em negativas, basta utilizar o subject pronoun em questão (I, You, He/ She / It, We, You, They), ou o sujeito da frase + verbo to be + not (também podendo ser utilizada a forma contraída).
- Já para que seja transformada em interrogativa, o verbo to be deve aparecer antes do subject pronoun ou sujeito
Com base nessas informações, assim serão as respostas:
1. Will your brothers be home tonight?
2. The activities was not ( or wasn't ) complete.
3. The bills are paid this month.
4. Is Erika the new english teacher?
5. My daughter was worried yesterday.
6. Charlie and Paul will be our tenants.
7. The documents were not ( or weren't) on the table.
8. My bag is not (or isn't) on the table.
9. Were are the boys playing football this morning?
10. The meeting will be held today.
11. Will we be happy together?
12. My mom was not (or wasn't) a teacher at this school.
Saiba mais sobre frases na interrogativa e na negativa aqui: