Jason Mraz é um compositor e cantor norte-americano, natural do estado de Virginia. A música "I Won't Give Up" é de 2012 e fez parte de trilha de novela no Brasil.
Quais presentes simples na música I won't give up?
Abaixo, a letra com a marcação dos pronomes e dos verbos no presente simples (verbos que estão em outro tempo verbal não estão assinalados). Estão indicados tanto o pronomes sujeito (I, you, he etc.) quanto o pronome objeto (me, them, her etc.) e pronomes indefinidos (some, any etc.). Os verbos que estão no presente na letra estão indicados fora dela na forma do infinitivo (com "to")
When I look into your eyes
- pronomes: I, your verbo: to look
It's like watching the night sky
- pronome: it / verbo: to be
Or a beautiful sunrise
Well there's so much they hold
- pronome: they / verbos: there to be, to hold
And just like them old stars
- pronome: them
I see that you've come so far
- pronomes: I, you / verbo: to see
To be right where you are
- pronome: you / verbo: to be
How old is your soul?
- pronome: your / verbo: to be
Well, I won't give up on us
- pronome: us
Even if the skies get rough
- verbo: to get
I'm giving you all my love
- pronomes: I, you
I'm still looking up
- pronome: I
And when you're needing your space
- pronomes: you, your
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
- pronome: I
To see what you find
- pronome: you / verbo: to find
'Cause even the stars they burn
- pronome: they / verbo: to burn
Some even fall to the earth
- pronome: some / verbo: to fall
We've got a lot to learn
- pronome: we / verbo: to have got
God knows we're worth it
- pronome: we / verbos: to know, to be
No, I won't give up
- pronome: I
I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
- pronomes: I, who, someone / verbos: to be, to walk away
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make
- pronome: I / verbo: to make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use the tools and gifts
- pronomes: our, they, us / verbo: to do
We got yeah we got a lot at stake
- pronome: we / verbo: to have got* (ver observação abaixo)
And in the end you're still my friend at least we did intend
- pronomes: you, my, we
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
- pronomes: us, we
We had to learn, how to bend without the world caving in
- pronome: we
I had to learn what I got, and what I'm not
- pronome: I / verbos: to have got, to be
And who I am
- pronomes: who, I / verbo: to be
I won't give up on us
- pronomes: I, us
Even if the skies get rough
- verb: to get
I'm giving you all my love
- pronomes: I, you, all, my
I'm still looking up
- pronome: I
I'm still looking up
- pronome: I
Well, I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up)
- pronome: I, us
God knows I'm tough (I am tough) he knows (I am loved)
- pronome: I, he / verbo: to know
We got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved)
- pronome: we / verbos: to have got, to be
God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it)
- pronomes: we, it / verbos: to know, to be
I won't give up on us
- pronomes: I, us
Even if the skies get rough
- verbo: to get
I'm giving you all my love
- pronomes: I, you, my
I'm still looking up
- pronome: I
*O verbo "to have got": apesar de ter a mesma forma do presente perfeito (auxiliar "to have" + particípio passado do verbo principal"), o verbo "to have got" é usado somente com valor de presente simples e é sinônimo de "to have" quando este é verbo principal.
- Exemplo: I have got a car = I have a car
"To have got" normalmente usado em linguagem oral e informal. O compositor usa uma forma ainda mais coloquial desse verbo ao omitir o verbo auxiliar "to have", como em "We got a lot to learn", cuja forma correta seria "We've (we have) got a lot to learn". Apesar do uso informal, essa forma não é aceita na norma culta da língua inglesa.
Para saber mais sobre o presente simples dos verbos ingleses, veja este link: