1. Answer the questions: (personal answers) a) Do you know what bullying is?
b) Would you say it is related to prejudice?
c) Have you ever witnessed a bullying situation?
2) Read the text fragments below and choose the best option to complete each of them.
a) Bullying is a repeated aggressive behavior where one person (or group of people) in a position of power deliberately intimidates, abuses, or coerces an individual with the intention to hurt that person physically or emotionally. Acts of bullying can/should/must be physical or verbal.
b) Bullying stops us from being who we want to be, and prevents us from expressing ourselves freely, and must/might/will even make us feel unsafe. If you are bullied, say something!
c) Remember, bullying does not only happen at school. It may/should/must happen anywhere, including through texting, the Internet and social media.
d) Why might/must/can bullying stop? It is the worst thing that should/can/might happen in a school. It does more long-term harm to an individual than anything else, as I know from bitter experience.
3) Which text:
a. was written by a person who used to be a bullying victim?
b. encourages people to report bullying?
Questão 1
a) Bullying is a way of humilliate people with some differences. For example, wear a glass, be a kid who likes to study more than usual, be shy, etc. It can be very dangerous and really harm people who suffer bullying. It happens when a person don't "fit in".
b) It's related with prejudice, yes. Because when a bully pick a target, it likes to make fun of it, beat up and intimidate people that it's not like the others.
c) Yes, in school it is very common to see a bully making fun of a lot of students. It happens every day with different people.
Questão 2
a) A resposta que mais se completa com o que pede na questão 2 é a letra B e C. O bullying não acontece somente nas escolas, mas pode acontecer em qualquer lugar. Pessoas deveriam ter o direito de ser quem são sem serem humilhadas por isso.
Questão 3
a) O texto que foi escrito por uma pessoa que costumava ser vítima de bullying é a letra D.
b) O texto que fala abertamente sobre bullying e encoraja o alvo a pedir ajuda é o texto da letra B.
A definição correta para o termo possui mais de uma definição. Consiste em ameaçar, intimidar, humilhar, excluir e discriminar alguém (seja pela cor ou por outro motivo.)
Podem acontecer agressões físicas além das verbais. E se extender por outros campos, como a internet, onde se pratica o cyberbullying.
Entenda mais sobre bullying: https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/20558333