• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: teologojmartins
  • Perguntado 3 anos atrás

Transforme as frases para a negativa:

Exemplo: It’s a lovely day today.

It isn’t a lovely day.

They are sad about the movie.
utilize a forma contraída do verbo.

Her children are very young.

My mother is tall.

A Ferrari is a slow car.

Ceviche is a hot dish.

The new Playstation is cheap.

This is an easy exercise.

His bike is old.


respondido por: cleandromendeslm20


They aren't sad about the movie.

Her children aren't very young

My mother isn't tall

A Ferrari isn't a slow car

Caviche isn't a hot dish

The New Playstation isn't cheap

This isnt an easy exercise

His bike isn't old.

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