Produção de texto
1- Analisando o tema abaixo.
" Quando você muda
Tudo Muda!
Discorra sobre a reflexão que você tem, concordando ou não com a afirmação.
Faça dois parágrafos 1° a favor da afirmação 2° conta a afirmação.
Cada parágrafo deve conter 5 linhas, Utilize palavras como:
Transformação, Crescimento, Valores, respeito, essencial.
Me ajudem, é pra Hoje!!!
Reflection is a process which helps you gain insight into your professional practise by thinking analytically about any element of it. The insights developed, and lessons learned, can be applied to maintain good practice and can also lead to developments and improvements for both the professional and their service users.
Reflection principles state how your current attitudes should be related to the attitudes that you believe you will have in the future. Reflection for Beliefs says that if you believe you will later believe P, then you ought now to believe P. This principle faces counterexamples involving anticipated future irrationality and anticipated forgetting. Once modified to avoid these counterexamples, Reflection for Beliefs is insufficiently general and should follow from a more general impersonal principle of deference to expert opinion. Reflection for Preferences says that if you believe you will later prefer A to B, then you ought now to prefer A to B. This principle faces a variety of problems: it licenses illegitimate bootstrapping, is incompatible with time-bias, and cannot be formalized in terms of utilities and degrees of belief, and should be rejected on this account.