conclusão do voleibol
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O vôlei é um esporte praticado sobre uma quadra retangular com uma rede vertical localizada no centro dividindo o campo. O jogo é disputado entre 2 equipes com 6 jogadores de cada lado. Para marcar ponto, elas precisam lançar a bola por cima da rede e fazê-la tocar o chão do adversário. O esporte foi criado nos Estados Unidos em 1895 por William George Morgan. O estadunidense atuava como chefe de Educação Física na Associação Cristã de Moços (ACM), localizada em Massachutes. O principal objetivo de Morgan era desenvolver um esporte de pouco contato físico, de modo que o jogo não lesionasse os jogadores. Com isso, ele criou as primeiras regras do vôlei. Até a conclusão das orientações finais o jogo passou por muitos aprimoramentos, entre eles, a definição da bola oficial. Atualmente, o vôlei é um dos esportes mais populares no Brasil.
Volleyball is a sport played on a rectangular court with a vertical net located in the center dividing the field. The game is played between 2 teams with 6 players on each side. To score a point, they need to throw the ball over the net and make it touch the opponent's ground. The sport was created in the United States in 1895 by William George Morgan. The American worked as head of Physical Education at the Young Men's Christian Association (ACM), located in Massachusetts. Morgan's main goal was to develop a low-contact sport so that the game would not injure players. With that, he created the first volleyball rules. Until the conclusion of the final guidelines, the game underwent many improvements, among them, the definition of the official ball. Currently, volleyball is one of the most popular sports in Brazil.
Volleyball is a sport played on a rectangular court with a vertical net located in the center dividing the field. The game is played between 2 teams with 6 players on each side. To score a point, they need to throw the ball over the net and make it touch the opponent's ground. The sport was created in the United States in 1895 by William George Morgan. The American worked as head of Physical Education at the Young Men's Christian Association (ACM), located in Massachusetts. Morgan's main goal was to develop a low-contact sport so that the game would not injure players. With that, he created the first volleyball rules. Until the conclusion of the final guidelines, the game underwent many improvements, among them, the definition of the official ball. Currently, volleyball is one of the most popular sports in Brazil.
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