• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: leocorttez
  • Perguntado 2 anos atrás

Durante a pandemia de Covid-19 em 2020 muitas escolas ao redor do mundo acabaram fechadas para a promoção do isolamento social (físico), medida indicada pelas autoridades em saúde para evitar a propagação do coronavírus. O texto abaixo é uma notícia originalmente publicada no site da agência de notícias BBC. O texto trata do movimento de reabertura das escolas no País de Gales.
Coronavirus: Schools in Wales to reopen on 29 June
All schools in Wales will reopen on 29 June, the Welsh Government have said.

They will be open to pupils from all year groups for limited periods during the week, with only a third of pupils in school at any one time, Education Minister Kirsty Williams confirmed.

Schools and councils will make their own decisions over managing the return.
Parents who choose not to send their children to school will not be fined and pupils who fall into the shielding category will carry on with online learning.
Some teaching unions have criticised the move in Wales, with the biggest union saying its members will be told they do not have to return to school if they feel the risk is too great.

'No educational purpose behind the decision'
David Evans, from NEU Wales, said the measures were "too much, too soon" (...)
Another union, the NASUWT, said the government did not have "good enough reasons for risking lives."

"The Welsh Government is well aware of the extreme difficulty of social distancing in schools, especially for younger children," said National Official Neil Butler.

"The minister has also admitted that this is for a 'check in' and 'catch up' so there is clearly no educational purpose behind this decision."

NAHT Cymru said that while the announced plan was the one its members preferred out of the options put forward by the Welsh Government, the intention to get "all" children in "is more problematic".

It added it would have preferred to have prioritised specific year groups.

Ms Williams said she was "surprised" by the unions' criticism and it was not helpful "to have inflammatory language".

"I would do nothing, and I have done nothing from this entire period when we closed schools for statutory purposes, to do anything to risk anybody's lives," she said.

What was Wales' schools announcement?
Year groups will be split into smaller classes with staggered starts, lessons and breaks. It is expected this will mean, at most, a third of pupils present at any one time, though schools may need time to reach this level.
Ms Williams said social distancing would be a challenge for the youngest children “but we have experience of dealing with this in the hubs that have been operating to date” and good practice had been learnt.
'I know many will feel apprehensive'
Ms Williams said the start date would mean one full month of the test, trace and protect system being in place - which tracks people who have been exposed to the virus and asks them to self-isolate.

Teachers will be a priority group for the new antibody testing programme, which tells people if they have previously had the virus and have developed antibodies.

"As we continue to keep Wales safe, this approach will be critical," she said.
"This is and has been a worrying period for us all. I know that many will feel apprehensive. We have not rushed this work and this decision.

"I am also convinced that it is only by returning to their own school that we will see increased attendance from our more vulnerable and disadvantaged children."

Considerando o texto, avalie as assertivas a seguir.
I. De acordo com o texto, a reabertura das escolas no País de Gales está prevista para o final do mês de junho daquele ano.
II. A Ministra da Educação do País de Gales afirma saber que muitas pessoas se sentirão apreensivas com o retorno das aulas nas escolas.
III. Entre a classe política há representantes que são favoráveis ao retorno das aulas nas escolas, embora ainda haja alguns questionamentos sobre como serão realizados certos tipos de assistência, como o transporte, a limpeza e as refeições escolares.
IV. O texto mostra que todos os sindicatos de ensino aprovam a decisão governamental acerca da retomada das aulas em junho, uma vez que as medidas de proteção aos alunos, professores e outros membros da comunidade escolar estão sendo respeitadas.

É correto apenas o que se afirma em
Alternativa 1:
I e II, apenas.
Alternativa 2:
II e III, apenas.
Alternativa 3:
I, III e IV, apenas.
Alternativa 4:
I, II e III, apenas.
Alternativa 5:
I, II, III e IV.


respondido por: josue123ak47

Resposta: II e III


alternativa 2

respondido por: nina9e4

Considerando o texto sobre COVID-19 com relação às escolas em Wales, observa-se que apenas as assertivas I e II são verdadeiras, logo, a alternativa 1 está correta.

Compreendendo as alternativas corretas

I - All schools in Wales will reopen on 29 June, the Welsh Government have said. (As escolas em Wales serão reabertas em 29 de junho).

II - 'I know many will feel apprehensive'

Ms Williams said. (Muitos se sentirão apreensivos ao retornar às atividades escolares presenciais segundo a ministra).

Leia mais sobre COVID em: https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/25727987


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